Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Hey everybody! So I am really sorry that I haven't posted anything on here in awhile. Life has been, well let's say, busy! But good things have come of it all. I am working hard and trying to save up for school this fall! I want to major in either music/ recording or in graphic design. Both are subjects that I find incredibly fascinating and would love to have in my life. Also, I have begun working really hard on making music and performing and what not. From practicing the guitar and drums daily to learning how to rap. I know that seems semi odd but I like both styles of music and am greedy and want to dip my fingers in both areas. Probably the biggest thing though is that my clothing company, Dance Floor Clothing is making a big comeback this year after going on a short hiatus last year! We have two big(for us) fashion shows that we have been invited to. One in march and one in april, and we are working hard to get four new designs done up and printed by March 6th, which is the first fashion show. We have 4 new people in the company now, two Davids, Ron and Amy. Everyone is really excited about the company and has great expectations for 2009 and I personally am really excited for everything. I feel that this is going to be a great year for us and everything is falling together so well. If anybody wants any information on the company, just comment me or email me at  Again, the company is Dance Floor Clothing and you can look us up on myspace. Well, that's it for now so catch you all later. Peace

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Time to get ready

It feels cold outside. I've only been out for about three minutes, long enough to grab a random piece of junk from the car, but as soon as I stepped outside, I felt cold air just dance its way over my whole body. Gotta get inside. Gotta get warm. Gotta get ready. Ready for  the next two days. The holidays are going to make the drive to Frederick horrible.  Sitting in a metal casket for an hour give or take, reminding yourself not to close your eyes for too long. Thank God for music. Just something to put noise in the air. Noise other than the huge semi pulled right next to you over powering even the highest decibel. And of course the scenery all looks the same, giving the impression that you are driving in one big circle. But no matter what, it's always good to just see those familiar places when you finally arrive, and even if you don't run into any old friends, just knowing there is a possibility always gets you excited. Then you can spend time with family, remembering the holidays and what it is all really about. and even if it is only for one day, you can forget about normal life, bills, stress and work, and you can just focus on the good things and most importantly..relax and sleep. 

But first, you have to get off of here and get ready..

The Debut: Raise the Curtains

It's about 4:19 a.m. and for some reason, I woke up from a semi decent sleep and am now staring at a computer screen, tea in hand, "jimmy Eat World" in the ears and a cigerette  on my mind. In about two hours I will be "waking" up for work, which is at Home Depot..pushing carts. It even sounds pathetic just saying it to myself. I mean, don't get me wrong, I work hard and they notice it and I have tried moving inside, but as of yet, I'm still outside pushing the carts. It wouldn't be too bad except for the fact that it is about middle of winter. Yeah, that makes for a great time. But don't get me wrong. I'm not too bitter about it all, because no matter how bad things get, it's bound to get better eventually, right? Surprisingly enough, I'm tired, yet still more alert and focused then I would imagine for the hour. I think the music and lack of sleep helps, as weird as it sounds. Like a trigger in your mind, when pushed too far just works overtime. There's so many things on my mind right now. Of course the struggling economy and it's effect on all of us being a heavy thought in my aching head. I need more tea. But to just look around you, especially at this time of year when everything is supposed to be magical, and just see everyone, not a few or some, but everyone hurting money wise and then of course thinking about your own needs. "How am I going to be able to pay for rent this month?" or "Where am i going to get the money for gas?" I think it helps though to just keep a smile somewhere though. Even if it's deep inside. Obviously it wont pay the rent but it can surely make things a lot less stressful. 4:34 a.m. It's bound to get better eventually. Or at least I hope so. But one thing this all teaches us, to be thankful for what we have. Even if you hate, be thankful you have a job. If you barely have enough money to pay the bills, be thankful that you have that much. If times are hard, be thankful that you always will have family and friends. Well, I think I've said enough in this category and honestly, I just want to get another cup of tea, go outside for a quick smoke, curse myself for not breaking that habit yet, and go back to bed for..1 more hour or so. And then it's up, out and all over again...but at least I have it....